
The mission of the Hellmuth-Müller-Clemm-Foundation is the promotion and continuation of the education of graduates of the Technical University of Darmstadt, the Dresden University of Technology and the Munich University of Applied Sciences, applicable for the departments concerning pulp and paper.

In this way, the aforementioned graduates are to be given the opportunity to deepen their vocational training by means of a stay of at least two months in companies and/or research facilities at home and abroad by a one-time grant. In special cases the stay may also be shorter, provided that the useful effect concerning the continuation of the training is guaranteed. This also includes scientific conferences.

Proposals for eligibility are to be submitted to the Foundation's head office, together with the presentation of certificates, justifications and endorsements. The decision on the submitted proposals and the amount of the grant will be made by the Foundation Board. The intended grant may be given out to several applicats in case of approximate comparable qualifications and achievements.


Dr. Adolf Scheufelen Foundation

The mission of the Dr. Adolf Scheufelen Foundation is to grant scholarships to German students of pulp and paper technology and chemistry at the Technische Universität Darmstadt.

The purpose of the scholarships is to give the opportunity to those concerned to continue their education abroad and broaden their mind. Prerequisite are indigence, eligibility for support and competence. The beneficiaries are obliged to provide the Technical University Darmstadt and the ZELLCHEMING association with a detailed written account of their journey.

Proposals for eligibility are to be submitted to the Foundation's head office, together with the presentation of certificates, justifications and endorsements. The decision on the submitted proposals and the amount of the grant will be made by the Foundation Board.


EUCEPA Student Grant

The ‘EUCEPA Student Grant’ is intended to assist young people (such as students, apprentices and trainees) involved in the field of pulp & paper manufacture and related industries sectors to develop a greater understanding of the European pulp, paper & fibrous forest products industries and to assist in the early development of a network of International contacts.

The intended purpose of the EUCEPA grant is to support attendance annual meetings, conferences, fairs and trade shows organized by member associations represented in EUCEPA, although the grant may also be used for taking part in symposia and other events for the purpose of further training in the field of pulp and paper production and converting.

The EUCEPA grant will be a maximum of € 1000,00 which will be only be available to EU residents and not to institutions on behalf of individuals. To further support the individual, EUCEPA member associations will normally waive attendance fees for a visiting EUCEPA grant recipient from another EU member state.
To qualify for the grant, the applicant should be a member of one of the associations represented in EUCEPA or at least have a close connection to one of them.

To apply for the EUCEPA grant the following points must be considered, the individual should:

  • Contact the association of the country he or she comes from and the association will help to complete the application form.
  • If approved, whilst attending the event the application should obtain a “Proof of attendance” signed by an authority of the organizer of the event at the registration desk.  This should be forwarded to EUCEPA, again the country representative will be able to advise.
  • The successful applicant will receive a maximum of € 1000,00 per person in any calendar year, which will be paid (in arrears) upon production of appropriate proof of expenditure (receipts, boarding passes etc) following the event.
  • Successful applicants will be required to prepare a short report describing their visit and may be asked to work with the editor of a National associations publication to produce a short article describing the event.

In all cases, the awarding of a EUCEPA grant will be given at the discretion of the EUCEPA committee.


For further details contact EUCEPA or your local technical association serving the paper industry.