Technical Committees

The major aspect of the association's work

The technical committees are dedicated to the most varied aspects of pulp and paper production, testing and finishing. They are a panel for all aspects of the paper production chain and the exchange of experience and as working groups collaborate in solving of joint tasks. This includes the formulation and transfer of development topics to research institutes.

The members of the individual technical committees mostly work in senior positions in production, technology or engineering and come from a wide range of different companies in the European paper industry and its supplier industry. Scientists from technical universities, universities of applied sciences and industrial institutes are also represented. Currently there are 14 technical committes covering the entire value added chain of paper making with their field of work. Their activities are the major aspects of the association's work. The technical committees are to be considered as panels for the exchange of experiences, but in particular as working groups for solving joint taks and also for formulating and transferring development topics to research institutes. 

Currently, the following technical committees are active:
